Feral Growth by Derin Attwood

she found it as we blew dandelion seeds to the wind
get rid of it
she talked about it like an old friend
we were friends first
she nurtured it
why did you treat it as special
she planted flowers
it grew and took over
it killed something beautiful
it drained her vitality
she said even weeds deserve life
you did too
“It gave me the password to heaven.”
it left me in hell.
she smiled as she died
I died too I didn’t smile
she wanted flowers on her grave
I planted dandelions and blew the seeds to the winds


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Filed under Derin Attwood

9 responses to “Feral Growth by Derin Attwood

  1. Deborah A. Upton

    Very descriptive of two persepectives–those who leave and those who are left behind.

  2. Very evocative and well done. The dandelions blowing free at the end was a lovely touch.

    • derin

      I believe that if dandelions weren’t considered weeds, people would tend them carefully in hothouses. They are magic plants. Thank you for your comment.

  3. lovely especially that last line. peace…

  4. Kelly

    nice back and forth amidst the accumulating imagery

  5. I liked how the piece leads up to that wonderful image at the end. I appreciated the innovative layout as well, conveying the theme of the text.

  6. Pingback: Week #39 – Password | 52|250 A Year of Flash

  7. Barbara Lucy Hosken

    Some good images here Derin. Liked it.

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